Holiday Road Warrior Workout

Step Side Curtsy Action: Step out to the left side, cross the right leg behind the left and bend both knees. Repeat to the other side. 4 Sets of 8 Reps of the Step Side Curtsy Curtsy Little Pulses Action: Holding a low curtsy position pulse up and down. 2 Sets of 8 Reps Tilt Action: In a wide parallel 2nd position lunge to the right side, reach both hands towards the right ankle, lift while stepping over the left foot in a tilt to the left side with arms up by ears; repeat. Switch sides. 4 Sets of 8 Repetitions Demi Plié in 2nd Position (Little Bend) Action: Bend knees over toes; heels stay down. Press into floor and lift to straight leg standing position. 4 Sets of 8 Repetitions 2nd Little Pulses Action: Holding a low second position, making sure not to lower the tailbone lower than the knees, pulse up and down. To increase the intensity rise up onto the toes for the pulses. 2 to 4 Sets of 8 Reps Demi Plié in 1st Position (Little Bend) Action: Bend knees over toes; heels stay down. Press into floor and lift to straight leg standing position. 4 Sets of 8 Repetitions 1st Little Pulses Action: Holding a low second position, making sure not to lower the tailbone lower than the knees, pulse up and down. To increase the intensity rise up onto the toes for the pulses. 2 to 4 Sets of 8 Reps Back Attitude Little Pulses Action: Standing tall extend one leg behind into attitude position; point foot. Lift the leg. Lower the leg one inch and lift it one inch; pulsing. 2 to 4 Sets of 8 Reps 1st and 2nd Position Jumps Action: Standing in 1st position. Plié, jump up with pointed feet and land thought the foot (toes, balls of the feet, heels) in 2nd position in plié 2 to 4 Sets of 8 Reps Push-ups Action: With the hands on a sturdy counter top, extend the legs long behind. Lower the chest down to the counter with the elbows hugging the body close to the ribs. 2 to 4 Sets of 8 Reps ]]>