The Beyond Barre Teaching Compass – A Class Review

With Spring officially here, now is a good time to spring clean our teaching method and fine tune any areas that may have been muddled or inefficient.  BeyondBarre employs a very clear teaching format.  Say It, Count It and Focus It.  Keeping the teaching method simple creates a very clear and concise way of communicating to your clients during a workout. Take a few minutes to refresh and review the BeyondBarre teaching approach.

1. Say It

Tell the client how to do the exercise. Set clients up in the exercise, and get clients moving. Use a dynamic voice. Voice modulations and energy create encouragement, support and command. Use your voice creatively with a balance of rhythm, enthusiasm and dynamic energy to create a fun atmosphere.

2. Count It

Start slowly for accuracy then build to tempo. Use counts to create a rhythm within an action. Counts build to repetitions, which in turn build into sets. For example, when teaching tendu, the instructor might take 2 counts to extend the leg and 2 counts to drag the leg in; repeat the action 8 times (repetitions); and perform the 8 repetitions 4 times (sets).

3. Focus It

Focus and challenge the client by giving cues. Cues are the phrases and imagery used to correct body alignment as well as challenge clients. The cues are also used to stabilize, center and create opposition in the body.

4. Guide Technique

Guide clients into proper positions whenever possible with the use of verbal cues or your hands. This will provide an auditory or tactile experience to enable the client to find proper alignment and can add additional challenge to the work. ALWAYS ask before you touch. NEVER “force” a client’s position. Always touch with purpose.

6. Order/ Knowledge

Memorize the Basics Order!  Knowing this order inside and out will allow you to teach a seamless class that flows efficiently from one exercise to the next.

8.  Awareness (Class appropriate modifications/variations)

Remember this is not your workout. Make sure not to do the workout with the class. If demonstrating an exercise or movement, keep it to a minimum amount of repetitions. Walk around to gain different views of the class. This will allow you to see what modifications, variations, and challenges are appropriate for the class you are teaching. Be aware of any safety precautions that may come up within the class. Remember to remind your class to breathe, and make sure to regulate their heart rate before moving from standing to a position where the head lowers below the heart.

Safety Checks:

  • Glide Board safety (proper footwear, intro prep, etc.).
  • Remove any Props that may be in the way of the workout.
  • Use appropriate Barre facings. Barre facings allow the clients to work at the Barre with out kicking one another during the exercises.