Here are the classes:
Intro to BeyondBarre – The basics, with a strong focus on proper form and technique.
BeyondBarre Grace – A ballet-inspired workout with flowing, graceful moves and long stretches.
BeyondBarre Fit — Incorporates small props for added variety and extra fun. Hand-weights, small fitness balls, resistance bands, and the BeyondBarre GlideBoard add zip to every class.
BeyondBarre Cardio – A heart-pumping workout that moves seamlessly between the ballet barre and the GlideBoard or center work cardio. There’s plenty of sweating and smiling in this class.
BeyondBarre Simply Barre –– A workout choreographed specifically for those that don’t have or don’t use a GlideBoard.
Secondary theme (optional)
Once you choose a class, you have the option to incorporate a secondary theme to your choreograph. A secondary theme lets you further refine you exercise plan and add even more variety and interest.
Secondary themes may include extra exercises for:
— arm toning
— booty lifting
— abdominal sculpting
— stretching
— cardio
…to name a few!
These themes let you choreograph your workouts in all sorts of simple ways. For example, let’s say you want to add an arm-toning theme to your BeyondBarre Grace workout. You might decide to use the Side-to-Barre Barre Facing and add a weight to the free hand while doing the High Barre Element to give extra arm work while working the legs. Or, you might add hand-weights to the GlideBoard gliding sequence.
And, if you’re choreographing a BeyondBarre Grace workout and want to include a relaxed, stretching theme, simply slow down the class to make each movement smoother and less hurried. Use a slower paced music playlist and take time to hold all stretches. Use graceful ballet arms and be sure to perform ballet legwork; tendu, attitude lifts and battements. Give the entire class a dancers flare.
When you’re choreographing a workout, it’s important to keep the BeyondBarre “Elements” in mind. The Elements are arranged to specifically touch on all of the major muscle groups, and many of the minor muscle groups, too. As long as you follow the BeyondBarre Elements when you choreograph, the workout you create will be sure to meet the stringent requirements of a BeyondBarre full-body workout.
There are seven Elements (eight if you include GlideBoard) to every BeyondBarre workout. BeyondBarre workouts are designed to have the option to incorporate the BeyondBarre GlideBoard. If you are using the BeyondBarre GlideBoard, include it after the Weights Element and before the High Barre Element.
Always follow the proper order! The Elements create an easy way to compartmentalize the workout to make it simple to memorize and to follow.
The Elements have been designed to ensure all body parts are properly worked. The Element formula is easy to follow and designs an effective balanced workout that generates real results.
Begin with the
Warm-up Element. The Warm-up heats the body and begins to get the body moving.
Second the
Weights Element works on toning the arms and back.
If the BeyondBarre GlideBoard is being used insert it here. The gliding action of the
GlideBoard Element heats up the body and its muscles. The GlideBoard provides a perfect endurance building and calorie burning addition to the workout. Once the muscles are heated they are ready to accept the small muscle isolation exercises at the barre generating body-shaping results.
Next are the Barre Elements to sculpt the legs. The
High Barre Element focuses on the quadriceps and calves.
Mid Barre Element gives attention to the hamstrings and glutes and the
Low Barre Element strengthens the inner thighs and abdominals.
Floor Work Element incorporates additional abdominal exercises and gives the instructor a chance to go back and focus on body parts that may need extra work.
Lastly, the
Wrap-up Element provides an ending for the class with either a high-energy finale or a cooling stretch and balance.
Begin with the
“All BeyondBarre Basics Exercises” order pages. When moving through the Elements, chose your choreography by looking at each Element exercise. Eliminate exercises you don’t want in your workout. Teach the exercises in the order that they are listed.
To be sure you are able to fit all of your chosen exercises in a 60-minute time allotment, refer to your Format and Timing.
BeyondBarre workout using the BeyondBarre GlideBoard:
Warm-up — 5-10 minutes
Weights — 10 minutes
BB GlideBoard – 15 to 20 minutes
Barre Elements (3) — 20 minutes combined.
Floor Work — 5 to 10 minutes
Wrap-up — 5 –10 minutes
BeyondBarre Workout without a BeyondBarre GlideBoard:
Warm-up – 5 to10 minutes
Weights — 10 minutes
Barre Elements (3) – 25 to 30 minutes combined
Floor Work — 10 minutes
Wrap-up — 5 minutes
Keep it simple. Pick a workout and maybe a theme. Stay with in the Element and exercise order. Be sure exercises work with the timing. And have fun!