- 2-3 Tbsp Avolantro-Lime Vinaigrette
- ½ cup black beans, rinsed & dried
- handful of cherry or grape tomatoes
- ½ of a green pepper, chopped
- ½ cup cooked, cold quinoa
- handful of organic mixed greens
- Start out with the dressing in the bottom of the jar
- Next add the black beans (or whatever the heaviest ingredient is)
- Followed by the next heaviest ingredient (in this case, the tomatoes)
- Then the peppers (or the next heaviest ingredient)
- Add the quinoa with the greens on the top
- Don’t pack it in too tight, or there wont be room to shake
- Seal the lid on & store in the fridge
- When ready (with the lid on) shake the jar to mix everything
- Either transfer to a plate or eat out of the jar