I have a very busy schedule and do not always have time to sit and enjoy my food. I can be seen driving, flying, and walking around with food on hand. For this reason, I am always looking for the healthiest and fastest way to hydrate and fuel my body. I have recently discovered chia seeds! They provide a good source of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, & copper. Chia seeds also keep you hydrated. Now I am no master chef, so I was weary at first. Then as I searched on Google different recipes, I was amazed at how easy this snack or breakfast food could be.
Take 1 part chia seeds, 1 part almond milk, a dash of Himalayan sea salt, pure cane sugar or Stevia, and vanilla extract mix it all together, stir occasionally, wait about 30 minutes , and Voila!
I make this in the morning as I am getting ready for my day. I sometimes add in nuts and berries to add a little more variety. Now I don’t feel bound to cereal and eggs in the morning, and I have less clean up afterwards!
-Michelle DuVall (Co-creator of BeyondBarre)