How whole is your diet? I love to eat but I also recognize that the food choices I make daily are an important part of providing fuel my body (and my attitude) as I greet the demands of each day as a business owner, fitness instructor, wife and parent. Even though I’m super busy, preparing […]

A healthy spine is the backbone of a strong body (no pun intended)! Here are seven spine healthy tips to help you avoid back injury or reduce aggravation to an already compromised or achy back. Lift properly – When lifting something heavy, stand as close as possible to the object you’re lifting. Don’t hinge forward […]

Thanksgiving and your family’s health It’s November and Thanksgiving Day is only a week away! I love Thanksgiving. It’s a day for family and friends to get together, share stories, enjoy a wonderful meal, and give thanks for all that’s good in our lives. This year, though, when you’re sharing stories with relatives, you might also […]

While Elaine shared the latest swim looks and how to style them I offered customers swimsuit inspired workouts to get them ready for their bathing suit debut! Check out a few of the moves below. Goddess Arm Plies (Beyond Barre: works arms & thighs)…

Pilates In Motion Owner and BeyondBarre Creator, Colleen Ketchum, tells Family Circle one of her habits to stay slim & keep her family healthy!

DATE/TIME: Class offered daily INSTRUCTOR: Jenny Gillan FE Reporter: Melissa Brading Beyond Barre When I walked in to class, Jenny the instructor introduced herself to me before the class and it turned out she was also a dancer, so I was happy about that. I went upstairs and she had a spot ready for me with […]

Barre as a workout technique is taking the world of fitness by storm—and with good reason. Not only does a barre workout help you maintain good balance and posture, it also has the potential to help you burn off those extra pounds. We give you the low-down on what makes barre such a hot favorite across the country…